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Panhandle Education Foundation



                                                 Panhandle ISD Education Foundation

Panhandle ISD Education Foundation

Mission Statement and Goals



Scope:  The Panhandle ISD Education Foundation . . .

  • is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit tax-exempt philanthropic organization of citizens
  • shares a vision of enhancing education in Panhandle ISD
  • works to increase private support for educational activities in Panhandle ISD
  • benefits Panhandle ISD students and staff by supporting innovative educational activities not funded by tax dollars
  • fosters creative approaches to education through private grants and involvement
  • awards Foundation funds through a volunteer Board of Directors made up of business, community and educational leaders.


Purpose Statement:

            The Panhandle ISD Education Foundation has been created to support the educational programs for both the students and staff of the Panhandle Independent School District.  The Foundation will provide funds for education programs and activities outside the parameters of the normal operating budget.  These funds will be used to facilitate student achievement and skill development, to recognize and encourage staff excellence and to expand community involvement from individuals, businesses and civic organizations.


Panhandle ISD Mission Statement

Panhandle Independent School District believes that each student can learn and master basic skills in education, regardless of the student’s current academic achievement, socio-economic status, race or gender.  Panhandle Independent School District is firm in the conviction to provide effective and quality instruction.


Panhandle ISD Education Foundation Mission Statement:

            The mission of the Panhandle ISD Education Foundation is to generate and distribute resources to the Panhandle Independent School District to enrich, maintain, and expand programs needed to meet the District's stated mission of excellence in education.

            The Foundation will achieve its mission by directing resources toward these goals:

·         Encourage all students and staff to work to their highest potential

·         Support staff for innovative efforts

·         Recognize staff for exemplary performance

·         Build community awareness for the Panhandle ISD Education Foundation

·         Inspire parents and community to participate with the school district in enriching education


A Suggested Procedure for Identifying

Initial Funding Priorities

            The following is an outline designed to assist foundation boards in determining what the funding priorities are and what objectives must be accomplished to impact these priorities.  Before any efficient strategy for attracting funds can be developed, the: (1) What, (2) Why and (3) How much must be clearly stated.  Once the what, why and how much are determined, identifying where the funds are and how to access these funds becomes a much easier task.

            The purpose of this exercise is to achieve agreement within the foundation as to what the priorities are at this time.  It will also provide the Board of Directors with a consistent message to give when asked, "What does the foundation do?"  Lastly, it provides a guide when making decisions about grants.

STEP 1:  Explore a number of possibilities for potential funding.  This "list" can come from a variety of sources such as the following:

     List from administrators, staff, and/or the Board of Education

     List of perceived needs from the Foundation Board of Directors

     Areas of interest of foundation directors and/or school officials

     Areas, projects, or programs for which known or expected funding may be available

STEP 2:  Discuss and brainstorm this list without limitation.

STEP 3:  Divide the list into categories.  Combine like or similar items on the list.

STEP 4:  Reduce the list into a more concise number of potential priorities--a minimum of three to four; a maximum of seven to ten items.  Does each priority meet the following criteria?

     Is it fundable?

     Does it provide the foundation with image building possibilities?

     Is there a potential for controversy?

     What is the impact on the school/students?

     Is it consistent with Board of Education/Administration policy and philosophy?

     Is it short-range or long-range program/project?

STEP 5:  Identify broad themes that will cover the specific activities in program areas that were chosen in the above process.  An example of a broad theme is--Promote Academic Excellence.  (Note:  Use dynamic words-- that indicate action and movement)

            The broad themes should be expansive enough to cover the primary activities previously selected.  The foundation should create three or four broad themes such as:

     Encourage excellence through creative teaching and learning

     Facilitate student development

     Promote excellence in teaching

     Build strong self-image in students

     Promote the well being of students

     Facilitate school/community partnerships

STEP 6:  Identify appropriate subgroups according to school and community needs and related to the broad themes as previously defined. An example of subgroups under "Encourage Excellence Through Creative Teaching and Learning" could be:

     Support professional growth

     Encourage travel and out-of-school experiences

     Provide venture capital for creative ideas and programs

STEP 7:  List specific objectives under the subgroup headings that are attainable, easy to communicate and have fixed dollar amounts, (or ranges).  Examples are as follows:

            1.  Support professional growth

                        Provide a $1,000 stipend to a teacher in each building for educational opportunities ($7,000)

            2.  Provide venture capital for creative ideas and programs

                        Purchase a computer aided design software for drafting class ($12,000)

                        Provide mini-grants to teachers ($6,000)

            Make sure objectives cover wide areas that will interest a variety of people.  Objectives should be long-range, mid-range and short range; high, mid, and low cost and impact as many students as possible. 

            Leave open the ability to accept restricted gifts and provide latitude for the foundation to respond to concerns outside the funding priority model through discretionary funding.

STEP 8:  Assemble a funding priority from the information gathered in Steps 1 through 7.  An example would be as follows:

            1.  Encourage excellence through creative teaching and learning

                        a. Support professional growth

·         Provide a $1,000 stipend to a teacher in each building for educational opportunities ($7,000)

                        b. Provide venture capital for creative ideas and programs

·         Purchase computer aided design software for drafting classes ($12,000)

·         Provide mini-grants to teachers ($6.000)


Examples of Priorities Typically Funded

by Foundation Boards

·        Innovative Teaching Grants

·        Technology

·        Staff Development

·        Economic/Special Needs of Students

·        Interactive Learning Experiences for Students

·        School/Community Partnerships Programs/Projects

·        Student/Teacher Recognition Programs

·        Author/Artist in Residence Programs

·        Permanent Endowment Fund

    Endowed Scholarship Programs